type matcherDomain = { md_matcher : Ligand.Matcher.matcher; }
and matcherState = unit
and snippetDomain = { sd_snippet : Ligand.Matcher.snippet; }
and snippetState = unit
and ligandBindingDomain = {
libd_mds : Genome.OldCompiled.matcherDomain list;
libd_fullmatcher : Ligand.Matcher.matcher;
and ligandBindingState = { libds_bound : bool; }
and structuralBindingDomain = {
pubd_sds : Genome.OldCompiled.snippetDomain list;
pubd_fullsnippet : Ligand.Matcher.snippet;
and structuralBindingState = { pubds_bound : bool; }
and domain =
LigandBinding of Genome.OldCompiled.ligandBindingDomain
| StructuralBinding of Genome.OldCompiled.structuralBindingDomain
| Matcher of Genome.OldCompiled.matcherDomain
| Snippet of Genome.OldCompiled.snippetDomain
and domainstate =
LigandBindingState of Genome.OldCompiled.ligandBindingState
| StructuralBindingState of Genome.OldCompiled.structuralBindingState
| MatcherState of Genome.OldCompiled.matcherState
| SnippetState of Genome.OldCompiled.snippetState
and procunit = Genome.OldCompiled.domain array
and instance = Genome.OldCompiled.domainstate array
val instantiate_domain :
Genome.OldCompiled.domain -> Genome.OldCompiled.domainstate
val make_instance :
Genome.OldCompiled.domain array -> Genome.OldCompiled.domainstate array
type compartment_genome = Genome.OldCompiled.procunit list
and genome = Genome.OldCompiled.compartment_genome list
val all_domains : 'a -> 'a