type domain_cons =
WPDMatcher of string
| WSLBD of Protein.Abstract.SLBD.initstate
| WLID of Protein.Abstract.LID.lidfunc * int
| WBMD of int
| WLBDR of int * Protein.Abstract.LBDR.initstate *
Protein.Abstract.LBDR.extremity_arrangement *
((int array * int array) * (int array * int array))
| WLBDE of int * Protein.Abstract.LBDE.initstate *
and domain_config = string * Protein.Wizard.domain_cons
and ifident =
| WRepress1
| WRepress2
| WMatcher
| WMatcherMult of int
| WBound
| WBound1
| WBound2
| WPermuteIn
| WPermuteOut
| WInput
| WOutput
| WInputMult of int
| WOutputMult of int
and conn_link =
(string * Protein.Wizard.ifident) * (string * Protein.Wizard.ifident)
and conn_value =
WIBool of bool
| WIInt of int
| WIString of string
| WIMatcher of string
and connection_config =
Protein.Wizard.conn_link * Protein.Wizard.conn_value
and config = {
domains : Protein.Wizard.domain_config list;
connections : Protein.Wizard.connection_config list;
val make : Protein.Wizard.config -> Protein.Abstract.t