The Monod computational model can be described most easily if we
how it is different from the Turing / von Neumann computational
model. We do this in several steps, keeping track of the
relevance of each step to the end goal of the project: to provide
computational model naturally well suited to evolutionary
Step 1:
The Turing / von Neumann Model
In the abstract Turing machine model of computer execution and
storage, a tape is read and modified by a head
according to the state and the instructions stored in
an action table on the machine.
The traditional implementation of this abstract model today is
the von Neumann architecture, with storage for both data and
the specification of the action table (the program), and
a processing unit which executes the action table.
Despite many efforts, some of them even fairly successful, the
Turing / von Neumann computational model does not lend itself
naturally to techniques through which the program can
be evolved using well-known algorithms adapted from
biology. For instance, it is difficult to
define mutations and recombinations of
programs. This situation has left humans as essentially the
programmers to date. However, programming is an
inherently inhuman task.
Step 2:
Detachable Machine
It's easy to imagine that the machine and the tape start out in
a separated state. The machine is idle in this unattached
state. It possesses a matching element which may or
may not correspond to a specific matching site on the
tape. Through some agency, the matching element and the matching
site are bound, triggering processing of the tape by
the machine, as above. The
machine can be separated from the tape again, according to its
action table, for example when encountering an end
signal on the tape.
There is no functional novelty introduced here. This step
is merely necessary to pave the way for the next one. However,
a crucial implementation aspects should be pointed out. Finding
appropriate matchings that can trigger bindings is, properly
a computational task. However, it is not a task that is
by the machines that are posited to be part of the Monod model.
It can be thought of as being
performed by the ambient medium - in any case, outside
of the machines. A matching element is merely
an indicator. Monod-the-computational-model, where
matching can be taken for granted, should thus be
distinguished from Monod-the-implementation, where
matching is a significant part of the program.
Step 3:
The Turing Soup
We now simply imagine that many different tapes and many
different machines
participate in communal execution and matching in a
frenzied Turing soup. There can be
many different matching elements and matching sites.
Many matching elements may compete for binding with a
specific matching site on a tape, but only a single machine can
be bound to a given site at any time. Conversely, many sites
can compete for the attention of a single matching element on a
machine. In such cases of competition, decisions are made
The overall computation executed by the set of machines is not
confined to any particular program, but is now distributed among
the various programlets of each machine. Their action
is coordinated through the matchings: a machine can create a
matching site for another machine by changing the tape it is
attached to; a machine can alter its matching element; the
probabilistic nature of matching implies that the course of
execution is not necessarily entirely determined by the
set of individual programlets of all the machines; etc.
A most notable property of this program execution environment is
that conditional branching can be (though does
not need to be) eliminated from the repertory of
instructions available to program each individual machine.
Indeed, a conditional branch can always be replaced by a
tape/machine separation followed by the conditional binding of
one of two machines depending on the state of the tape at the
time of separation.
Another notable property of the environment is a natural
suitability to parallel program execution. Many machines can be
running at the same time on the same or different tapes.
The implications of this step on the evolvability of programs are
significant. Conditional branching is a notoriously difficult
instruction to deal with through evolutionary techniques -
perhaps the difficulty can be mitigated by treating this
instruction differently, as described above. The
subdivions of a program into many programlets introduces the
possibility of natural homologous recombination, which is absent
from most current models of genetic programming. Programs
evolved in this computational environment have a fighting chance
of being natural candidates for parallel execution.
Step 4:
More Operations
In addition to the binding and releasing of tapes and moving
along them, machines can be equipped with
additional powers. For instance,
tapes can be split and joined. Machines can be equipped with
matching elements that match with other matching elements on
other machines in order to affect both matchines' internal
state. A machine can have more than a single matching element.
And so on.
Wisely or unwisely, in order to define the operations allowed, we
derive much inspiration from the molecular biology of cells.
An analogy drives this inspiration, whereby machines are
identified with proteins and tapes
with polynucleotides (which we call ligands in
the model).
From an evolutionary perspective, the operations available are
a subset of the atomic instructions available to the
programs in the Monod model. Having more complex operations
available does not change the functional range of the model, but
possibly significantly alters the operational characteristics
such as speed of execution, speed of evolution and size of the
Step 5:
Program Specification
The specification of each machine includes the matching
elements, the action table and how these two entities are
related to one another. As with traditional Turing machines,
there are different ways to define the specification of a
machine in the Monod model: through an actual state table or
through a program in a suitable language, for instance.
Each machine in the Monod model is assembled out of a finite set
of specific domains, according to a blueprint for the
machine. Each domain type has a specific function - for
instance, a matching element domain, or an arithmetic operation
domain - and can be connected to other domains through
interfaces that it expresses - for instance, a matching element
domain expresses a "I'm bound now" interface.
Constructing the machines out of domains provides yet another
level of genetic flexibility to the Monod model. Each
machine is described by a set of domains and a set of
connections between the interfaces of these domains. This
description is akin to a gene and is highly amenable to
controlled mutation and recombination.
Step 6:
Binding and execution take place within
bounded compartments. They are filled with a medium
within which float the tapes and machines, which bump against
one another, binding when matching is present.
Compartments may adjoin one another and tapes
or machines may be transported from one to the other according
to specific rules. Compartments may keep global computational
variables, such as energy, which is depleted through
certain operations and replenished by the presence of the
end-products of successful computations.
Compartments play a powerful role in the execution model by
making it possible to segregate complex computations from one
another. This segregation reduces side-effects, which may
be brought about through uncontrolled evolution, and it
computation by increasing the probability of appropriate
bindings. Both of these effects have a significant impact on the
of programs within the Monod model.
Step 7:
Complete Monod Cell
A Monod cell is a complete autonomous system based on the Monod
computational model. It includes one or more compartment,
machine production capabilities (as in a cell nucleus) and
capabilities (as in a cell membrane).
A Monod cell has a genome, which contains the
instructions to create the machines that run within its
compartments and their expression conditions. A genome is a
particular instance of a genotype, which is the class
of all equivalent genomes. The genotype of a cell can be seen
simply as "the program that is run by the cell".
The cell itself
can be seen as the corresponding phenotype to its
Ultimately, a Monod cell is really just a different way to do
programming. We hope that the characteristics of the cell
lend the model naturally to evolutionary techniques.