Module Protein.Abstract.LBDR

module LBDR: sig  end
Characteristics of the abstract Ligand Binding Domain with Remapping.

type interfid =
| Matcher of int
| Repress1
| Repress2
| Bound1
| Bound2
| PermuteIn
| PermuteOut

val get_interf_character : interfid -> Protein.Abstract.interf_character

type singleinitstate =
| ActiveInitState
| RepressedInitState

type initstate = singleinitstate * singleinitstate

type singlestate =
| ActiveState
| RepressedState
| BoundState of string

type state = {
   permutestate : bool;
   proj1state : singlestate;
   proj2state : singlestate;

type permstate = {
   proj1 : int array;
   proj2 : int array;

type extremity_arrangement =

type config = {
   num_matchers : int;
   permon : permstate;
   permoff : permstate;
   exarr : extremity_arrangement;

type cons = initstate * config
val num_lbprojs : int
val num_sbprojs : int