module LID: sig end
Characteristics of the abstract Logical Integration Domain.
type interfid =
| |
Input of int |
(* | Acceptor, Boolean | *) |
| |
Output |
(* | Expressor, Boolean | *) |
val get_interf_character : interfid -> Protein.Abstract.interf_character
type initstate = unit
type state = unit
We currently offer the following three logical functions.
type lidfunc =
| |
LIDNot |
(* | Reverse the input, which must be a single input | *) |
| |
LIDAnd |
(* | Output equal to the conjunction of all inputs | *) |
| |
(* | Output equal to the disjunction of all inputs | *) |
| |
LIDXor |
(* | True if and only if one and only one input is true | *) |
type config = {
num_inputs : int ; |
lidfunc : lidfunc ; |
type cons = initstate * config
val num_lbprojs : int
val num_sbprojs : int