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3.2 Proteins

All computation in the Monod model is accomplished by proteins. They are analogous to proteins in biological cells — hence the name! In turn, each protein is composed of possibly multiple domains, which are somewhat analogous to domains in biology as well.

The domains encode what a Monod cell can do at the most fundamental level. For example, there are domains for the following activities (which are described in detail further): binding, logical integration operations, changing ligands. From the point of view of the evolutionary algorithms which are part of Monod, the domains are the terminal entities, as we will see when we discuss Monod cultures.

The set of domains in Monod are Turing-complete, in that any Turing program can be created by a protein (FIXME: should be easy to show: have each protein insert a state marker on the tape at the mark position). However, they are not optimized along any other dimension right now, like efficiency, parallelizability, orthogonality. They have also not been evolved: they were designed in Monod directly. In order to reach certain levels of optimality, evolving them would probably be necessary. This would consist in metaevolution. (FIXME: References?)

We now proceed to describe in precise detail the Monod protein model. We do this in two stages. The first stage is a quick enumeration of all the salient definitions involved and the second stage is an elaboration of each definition along with examples. The Monod protein model is not simple to explain. It does not break down into neat stacked layers or independent modules. It is hoped that this situation is more than a failure on the part of the developers, a failure to explain properly. The model itself is complex, and, we presume, necessarily so. (FIXME: Why?)

Here is the quick breakdown of the Monod protein model. (FIXME: quickly review in light of the expanded version now written. Small changes are needed.)

The definitions towards the end of the list above are important because they point to properties that we tend to expect from traditional programs. For instance, an unstable protein is such that it can be in a state where it is always working, but will never produce a result. A protein which is not well-defined will sometimes behave in one way, then in another, unpredictably. We can not completely restrict our attention to well-behaved proteins, because Monod cultures will certainly create way unbehaved proteins through random mutations and recombinations. However, well-behaved proteins provide the archetype of desired behavior.

Proteins which are not well-behaved may be seen as analogous to those polypeptide chains which do not have a unique stable conformation, or which are misfolded. Such chains are often biologically extremely deleterious. For example, many such chains expose hydrophobic areas and they tend to form clumps. Fortunately, the cellular machinery includes extensive protection to detect and neutralize these proteins (the proteasomes and ubiquitin binders).

Note that in biology, such invalid polypeptide chains are never called proteins. By definition, in biology a protein is well-defined, otherwise it's not called a protein. In the Monod world, a protein does not have to be well-defined, though sometimes we abuse language and assume that this is the case.

Note also that the functional representation of proteins we are currently describing is completely orthogonal to their genetic representation. It is not the case that the functional representation is easily derivable from the genetic representation, and vice-versa. This situation is analogous to that in biology, where the tertiary structure of a protein, which is close to its functional representation, is difficult to relate algorithmically to its primary structure. We will explore this later when we discuss Monod Cells, in this chapter.

In the rest of this section, we present the details of the construction and properties of proteins, proceeding in the order that we laid out in the bullet overview above. We also lay out some examples of all the concepts introduced.