Module Dllist

module Dllist: sig  end
Definitions for doubly-linked lists which allow for in-place insertion and removal.

This data structure is not thread safe.
See also testing/ for simple examples of how to use this module.

exception Empty
Raised by some operations when the list is empty.
exception OutOfBounds
Raised by some operations when going beyond the elements in the list.

type 'a t
The type of doubly-linked lists of elements of type 'a.

type 'a cons
The opaque type of a cell in a doubly-linked list of elements of type 'a.

val deref : 'a cons -> 'a
Returns the value associated with a cell.
val create : unit -> 'a t
Creates a new doubly-linked list.
val first : 'a t -> 'a cons
first d returns the first cell in the dllist d. Raise Empty if the dllist is empty.
val last : 'a t -> 'a cons
last d returns the last cell in the dllist d. Raise Empty if the dllist is empty.
val next : 'a cons -> 'a cons
next c returns the next cell in the dllist in which c is contained. Returns OutOfBounds if c is the last cell.
val prev : 'a cons -> 'a cons
prev c returns the previous cell in the dllist in which c is contained. Returns OutOfBounds if c is the first cell.
val insert_end : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a cons
insert_end v q inserts a new cell with value v at the end of the dllist q, and returns the newly created cell.
val insert_before : 'a -> 'a cons -> 'a cons
insert_before v c inserts a new cell with value v just before cell c in the dllist in which c exists, and returns the newly created cell.
exception Cons_already_free
val remove : 'a cons -> unit
remove c removes the cell c from dllist where it exists.
val count : 'a t -> int
count q returns the number of cells in the dllist q.
val to_list : 'a t -> 'a cons list
This reverses the order...
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
iter f q applies f e for each entry e of the dllist q.