Module Protein

module Protein: sig  end
The definitions for the proteins in the Cytoplasm layer. Proteins can exist in three different representations: list

module Abstract: sig  end
Contains the lightweight, live internal representation of an abstract protein.
module Wizard: sig  end
Used to make abstract proteins with a table-driven interface.
module Optimized: sig  end
The implementation of this module contains the meat of the protein execution model.

type t
A concrete instance of an optimized protein. This is the type of the object which is placed in the Incubator/Cytoplasm layers of the Monod model.

val make : ?stats:bool -> Optimized.t -> t
make withstats op creates a concrete instance of the optimized protein op. If withstats is true, the instance will collect utilization statistics which can be extracted with get_stats below. The default value of withstats is false, which makes for slightly faster operation.

type globalstats = {
   mutable click_count : int;
   mutable lb_unimate_count : int;
   mutable sb_unimate_count : int;
exception No_statistical_collection
val get_stats : t -> globalstats
val to_pu : t -> Incubator.Procunit.t
to_pu opi is a processing unit which can be fed to the Incubator layer.