Index of types

apportf [Ligand]
Returned by split.

bindhalf [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
An element of this type is returned when a matching is successful, and is retained by the Swarm object and passed back to the resident upon release.
bindhalf [Swarm.SWARM]
bindholder [Swarm.SWARM]
FIXME: ...
bindingDomain [Genome.Compact]

compartment_genome [Genome.OldCompiled]
compartment_genome [Genome.Compact]
config [Protein.Wizard]
The full configuration of a processing unit, consisting of a list of domains and a list of connections.
config [Protein.Abstract.DOMDEF]
Defines the parameters needed to configure a complete domain of the given flavor.
config [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
config [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
config [Protein.Abstract.PDMatcher]
config [Protein.Abstract.LID]
config [Protein.Abstract.BMD]
Configured by number of expressors
config [Protein.Abstract.SLBD]
conn_link [Protein.Wizard]
The definition of an abstract connection between two domains, without an attached value.
conn_value [Protein.Wizard]
A value attached to a connection.
conn_value [Protein.Abstract]
The possible values of a connection.
connection_config [Protein.Wizard]
The configuration of a connection between two domains, including the value.
cons [Protein.Abstract.DOMDEF]
Synthesis of the initial state and the configuration parameters of a domain.
cons [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
cons [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
cons [Protein.Abstract.PDMatcher]
cons [Protein.Abstract.LID]
cons [Protein.Abstract.BMD]
cons [Protein.Abstract.SLBD]
cons [Dllist]
The opaque type of a cell in a doubly-linked list of elements of type 'a.

d [Protein.Abstract]
An opaque handle to a domain within an abstract protein.
domain [Genome.OldCompiled]
domain [Genome.Compact]
domain_config [Protein.Wizard]
A domain is configured by its name string, and a domain_cons.
domain_cons [Protein.Wizard]
A domain constructor for the wizard.
domaincons [Protein.Abstract]
A domain constructor.
domainstate [Genome.OldCompiled]

expressionDomain [Genome.Compact]
expressionDomainAtom [Genome.Compact]
extent [Assocext]
An opaque type which represents an extent in the list of associative extents.
extraction [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
extremity_arrangement [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]

firstpassh [Genome.Compile]
frag [Ligand]
A bound chunk of a ligand.

genome [Genome.OldCompiled]
genome [Genome.Compact]
genome_handle [GenomeParser]
globalstats [Protein]

heartDomain [Genome.Compact]
holder [Assocext]

ifident [Protein.Wizard]
We enumerate, in a tremendously unsafe manner, all the possible interfaces of all the possible domain types in a single variable, to flatten domain definitions.
initstate [Protein.Abstract.DOMDEF]
Enumerates the possible initial states of the domain.
initstate [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
initstate [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
initstate [Protein.Abstract.PDMatcher]
initstate [Protein.Abstract.LID]
initstate [Protein.Abstract.BMD]
initstate [Protein.Abstract.SLBD]
instance [Genome.OldCompiled]
interdomentry [Genome.Compile]
interf [Protein.Abstract]
An opaque handle to an (arbitrary) interface of an abstract protein.
interf_character [Protein.Abstract]
Combines the type and the direction of an arbitrary protein interface.
interf_direction [Protein.Abstract]
The direction of an interface.
interf_type [Protein.Abstract]
The type of an interface.
interfid [Protein.Abstract.DOMDEF]
Contains the enumerated type identifying all the interfaces of the domain.
interfid [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
interfid [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
interfid [Protein.Abstract.PDMatcher]
interfid [Protein.Abstract.LID]
interfid [Protein.Abstract.BMD]
interfid [Protein.Abstract.SLBD]
interfid [Protein.Abstract]
A synthetic type to capture all the possible interface identifiers across all domain flavors.
interval [Ligand]
Pretty much the same as associative extent intervals.
interval [Assocext]
The length can be zero.

joinf [Ligand]
Returned by join.
joinmessage [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
joinmessage [Swarm.SWARM]
joinorder [Incubator]
FIXME: ...
joinpart [Swarm.SWARM]

lidfunc [Protein.Abstract.LID]
ligandBindingDomain [Genome.OldCompiled]
ligandBindingDomain [Genome.Compact]
ligandBindingState [Genome.OldCompiled]
logicalInput [Genome.Compact]
logicalIntegrationDomain [Genome.Compact]

marker [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
The type of the markings which tag each projection.
marker [Swarm.SWARM]
matcher [Ligand.Matcher]
A simple regular expression.
matcherDomain [Genome.OldCompiled]
matcherDomain [Genome.Compact]
matcherState [Genome.OldCompiled]
matching [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
A matchinghalf on each member of a pair of markers fully identifies a matching.
matching [Swarm.SWARM]
matchinghalf [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
Used to define the matching, which is returned by the matchings function, both below.
matchinghalf [Swarm.SWARM]
multi [Util]
Defines multi-elements, which are elements associated with an integer count.

permstate [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
procunit [Genome.OldCompiled]
procunit [Genome.Compact]
projection [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
This type is used to index the projections of a resident.
projection [Swarm.SWARM]

remappingHeart [Genome.Compact]
resident [Cytoplasm]
resident [Incubator]
The opaque type of a resident of an Incubator object, which refers to either a ligand or a processing unit.
resident [Swarm.SWARM]
The opaque type returned by the Swarm's shelter method to the harness to track specific residents.

severity [Log]
The severity of a log event.
singleinitstate [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
singlestate [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
skelState [Skeleton]
snippet [Ligand.Matcher]
A pair consisting of a string and a regular expression.
snippetDomain [Genome.OldCompiled]
snippetDomain [Genome.Compact]
snippetState [Genome.OldCompiled]
splitmessage [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
FIXME: ...
splitmessage [Swarm.SWARM]
splitorder [Incubator]
The first part is described above.
splitpart [Swarm.SWARM]
splitstays [Incubator]
Used when sending a split order to identify which part of the split ligand - the left or the right part - stays attached to the originating projection.
state [Protein.Abstract.DOMDEF]
Enumerates all the possible states of the domain.
state [Protein.Abstract.LBDE]
state [Protein.Abstract.LBDR]
state [Protein.Abstract.PDMatcher]
state [Protein.Abstract.LID]
We currently offer the following three logical functions.
state [Protein.Abstract.BMD]
state [Protein.Abstract.SLBD]
string_permuter [Ligand.Matcher]
This type is used by the functions make_string_permuter and permute_strings below to modify strings by exchanging fragments between them.
structuralBindingDomain [Genome.OldCompiled]
structuralBindingDomain [Genome.Compact]
structuralBindingState [Genome.OldCompiled]
submarker [Swarm.EXPOSURE]
FIXME: ...
submarker [Swarm.SWARM]

t [Protein.Optimized]
The type of an optimized protein.
t [Protein.Abstract]
An abstract protein.
t [Protein]
A concrete instance of an optimized protein.
t [Ligand]
The type of ligands, which are essentially basestrings with a binding state, with zero, one or more processing unit ligand binding domain.
t [Assocext]
The type of associative extents which associate elements of type 'a to extents.
t [Dllist]
The type of doubly-linked lists of elements of type 'a.
t [Hashnlist]
The type of hash tables from type 'a to lists of type 'b.
typeA_conf [Incubator.Procunit]
To configure all the projections.
typeA_proj [Incubator.Procunit]
Each projection is fully configured by an object of this type information.

weighed [Util]
This is pretty much the same as a multi-element, but with a different name.
whichside [Ligand]
whichsplit [Swarm.SWARM]